Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Resolve to sit, and then to share about it

Now that I have announced my resolve to sit for 5 minutes daily, I am feeling brave enough to commit to posting regularly about sitting practice. I may share about my my sitting experience from the day, or out myself if I don't sit on a particular day, or I may share little wisdom that inspires my daily practice.

I was taught to pray as a small child, and was guided to keep daily quiet since I was very young. But it has just never come easily. I have always resisted. As a young adult, I became heart-connected friends with a teacher, Kay. Kay has urged me to sit daily since the day that we began heart-chatting right up until late last week. 

When I was 19, I was introduced to Authentic Movement and I enjoyed the intersection between keeping quiet and moving. And when I turned 20, I began a fairly consistent hatha yoga practice that has waxed and waned over the last 15 years. Rarely does a week pass that I don't practice hatha, pranayama and meditation at least once. However many a day DOES pass that I do not sit still for a moment. When I was pregnant with Cora Jane, I meditated almost every single day for the entire pregnancy. But I was not 'alone'. So, here I go...

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